Thursday, February 14, 2013

Essential Oils and the Brain...

Essential Oils and the Brain

Frustrated with your memory lately?  Having trouble getting your kids to focus on school? Tired of the unruly energy and mood swings in your child?  Essential oils can be used to help with memory, focus, depression, anger, ADD/ADHD, and so much more. Learning about how the brain works and evaluating which areas of your brain are struggling is vital in helping solve the problem.  

I know you are eager to see how the oils can be used, so I will put that information first, but make sure to read on past the oil section, as I have posted other interesting Brain facts and resources....

 Here is a starter list of Young Living Essential Oils to help with the brain and some of their uses. There are about 250 drops of oil in a 15ml bottle of oil.  And most times you only use 1-4 drops at a time.  So that is up to 250 uses per bottle.

By Issue
Memory, confusion, lack of mental clarity, brain fog,
Single Oils to Use: Frankincense, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, sacred frankincense
Blends of oil to Use: Awaken, Brain Power, Citrus Fresh, Clarity, Common Sense, Dream Catcher, Envision, Gathering, Into the Future, Joy
Single Oils to Use: Dill, lavender, lemon, orange, rosemary, valerian, vetiver
Blends of oil to Use: Harmony, Joy, Peace & Calming, RutaVaLa, Sacred Mountain, Stress Away roll-on, Tranquil Roll-on, Trauma Life, Valor, White Angelica
Single Oils to Use: Peppermint, vetiver, frankincense, rosemary, basil, cardamom
blends: Clarity, M-Grain, Brain Power, Common Sense
Single Oils: Lavender, Orange, Roman Chamomile, Vetiver, Ocotea, Valerian
Blends: Forgiveness, Peace&Calming, Surrender, Humility, White Angelica, Tranquil Roll-on, Stress Away Roll-on
Single Oils: Sandalwood, ginger, nutmeg, German Chamomile, Spikenard, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Patchouli, Cedarwood, Myrrh, Helichrysum, Nutmeg
Blends: Brain Power, Common Sense, Valor, Clarity, Harmony, RutaVaLa
Healing ADD Paperback Book
see book here

See my Page on the 6 Types of ADD here

6 types of ADD
ADD/ADHD:  Short attention span, easily distracted, disorganized, late, procrastinate, poor supervision, impulsive, emotionally 3-5 years behind chronological age.
Single oils: Vetiver, lavender, cedarwood, sandalwood, cardamom, peppermint, frankincense
Blends: Brain Power, Peace&Calming, 
Supplements: Omegagize (omega is SO important for ADD/ADHD)

Single Oils: Vetiver, Patchouli, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Melissa, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Frankincense
Blends: Brain Power, Valor, Clarity, Peace&Calming, Common Sense, The Gift
Single Oils: Jasmine, Frankincense, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Rosemary, Lemon, Cedarwood
Blends: Valor, Live with Passion, Hope, Joy, Common Sense, The Gift, RutaVaLa
Mental Fatigue
Single oils: Idaho Balsam Fir, Frankincense, Black Pepper, Sage, Nutmeg, Pine, Peppermint, Spearmint
Blends: Envision, Valor, Motivation, En-R-Gee, Clarity, Common Sense
Single Oils: lavender, Cedarwood, Orange, Roman Chamomile, Valerian, Vetiver
Blends: RutaVaLa, Peace&Calming, Harmony, Dream Catcher, Valor, Gentle Baby, Tranquil, Trauma Life, Stress Away

By Oil
Lavendar:  ($21.75 wholesale for 15ml) 
5ml comes in Everyday oils kit. 126 uses of Everyday Oils
Anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, anti-infectious, regenerative, anti-microbial, antihistamine, anti-fungal, analgesic, antiseptic, sedative, burns.  Helps with anxiety, high blood pressure, acne, cramps, diaper rash phlebitis, PMS, thrush, arthritis, asthma, migraines, sprains, insect stings, scarring, mental clarity, wounds and so much more.  
Peace and Calming ($32.75 wholesale for 15 ml) 
5ml comes in Everyday oils kit. 126 uses of Everyday Oils
promotes relaxation, offers deep sense of peace and emotional well-being, dampens tension, uplifts spirits, restful sleep, calms overactive children, reduces depression, anxiety, stress and insomnia.  This blend contains blue tansy, patchouli, tangerine, orange, ylang ylang.
Peppermint: ($19.75 wholesale for 15ml)
5ml comes in Everyday Oils kit 126 uses of Everyday OilsMay help with Anger, depression, memory, alertness, regeneration and support for nerves.  See my post on 126 uses for Everyday Oils for many more uses of peppermint.
Valor: ($20.50)
5ml comes in Everyday Oils kit 126 uses for Everyday Oils
balances energies, instills courage, confidence and self-esteem.  It helps body self-correct its balance and alignment.  This blend contains rosewood, blue tansy, frankincense, spruce, almond oil.
Frankincense:  ($69.75 wholesale for 15ml, $40 wholesale for 5ml of Sacred Frankincense)
5ml of sacred frankincense comes in Everyday oils kit. 126 uses of Everyday Oils
Anticancer, antidepressant, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-tumoral, expectorant, immune-stimulant, sedative, may help improve attitude.
Citrus Oils: Grapefruit ($15.50 wholesale), Lemon ($10.50 wholesale 126 uses of Everyday Oils), Orange ($10.50 wholesale) Tangerine ($16 wholesale), Citrus Fresh ($14 wholesale)
Stimulates right brain to amplify creativity and well being, eradicates anxiety, improves concentration and accuracy, purifies air, add to drink to detox body.
Brain Power ($55.75 wholesale for 5ml)
Increased mental capacity, increased mental clarity, reduced brain fog, uplifting, mentally energizing, promotes deep concentration and focus. This blend contains frankincense, sandalwood, Melissa  cedarwood, blue cypress, lavender, helichrysum.
Common Sense ($30 wholesale for 5ml)
Promotes calm, enhances clarity of thought, supports rational decision making.  This blend contains ylang ylang, ocotea, ruta, dorado azul, lime.
Clarity ($36.75 wholesale for 15ml)
Promotes mental alertness, provides memory retention, helps to oxygenate the brain.  This blend contains cardamom, rosemary, peppermint, basil, bergamot, geranium, jasmine, lemon, palmarosa, roman chamomile, rosewood, ylang ylang.
Cedarwood ($9.75 wholesale for 15ml)
Combats hair loss  antibacterial, stimulates limbic region of the brain (the center of emotions), stimulates the pineal gland (releases melatonin), calming fragrance, in clinical tests successfully treated ADD/ADHD!!
Vetiver ($19.75 wholesale for 5ml)
Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, relaxant, circulatory stimulant, arthritis, rheumatism, insomnia, skin care-oily, aging, acne, wrinkles, successfully treats ADD/ADHD, emotionally combats depression including postpartum
Cypress ($18.75 Wholesale for 15ml)
used with diabeties and circulatory disorders, soothes irritating cough, cancer, Emotionally grounding, emotionally stabilizing, eases feelings of loss, creates sense of security, helps heal emotional trauma, calms, soothes anger.
Rosemary ($14.75 Wholesale for 15ml)
Liver protecting, anti-tumoral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic, enhances mental clarity and concentration, used for mental clarity and Alzheimer's
RutaVaLa ($29.75 wholesale for 5ml)
Acts as a relaxant for body and mind, counters stressed nerves, re-balances energy, reduces inhibitions and minimizes stressful situations, induces quality sleep, revitalizes passion.  This blend contains lavender, valerian, ruta.
Stress Away Roll-on ($29.75 for 15ml or $22.75 for 10ml roll-on)
brings feeling of peace and tranquility, relieves daily stress and nerve tension, improves mental response, restores equilibrium, promotes relaxation, lowers hypertension, stimulates and refreshes a tired mind, helps with depression, stimulates limbic part of brain, stimulates pineal gland, releases melatonin, improves thoughts and cognition and memory.  This blend contains copaiba, lime, cedarwood, vanilla, ocotea, lavender, coconut oil.
Ylang Ylang ($39.75 wholesale for 15ml)
anti-spasmodic, vasodilating, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, regulates heartbeat, helps with anxiety, hypertension, depression, hair loss and intestinal problems, combats anger, combats low self-esteem, increases focus of thoughts, restores confidence and peace.
Valerian ($37.50 wholesale for 5ml)
Tranquilizing properties, calming effect on central nervous system, calms restlessness, helps with insomnia, indigestion, migraine, restlessness and tension, helps with anxiety.  
Harmony ($61.75 wholesale for 15ml)
Promotes physical and emotional healing, creates harmonic balance for energy centers of body, reduces stress, amplifies well-being, uplifting and elevating to mind, creates a positive attitude.  This blend contains geranium, rosewood, lavender, sandalwood, frankincense, orange, lemon, angelica, hyssop, sage, jasmine, roman chamomile, bergamot, ylang ylang, palmarosa, rose, spruce.
Joy ($38.50 wholesale for 15ml)
brings joy to the heart, mind and soul.  Inspires romance and helps overcome deep-seated grief and depression.  This blend contains rose, bergamot, mandarin, ylang ylang, lemon, geranium, jasmine, palmarosa, roman chamomile, rosewood.


  • Question: If you have chronic gallbladder pain, what does your doctor do?  Most likely he will order a scan or ultrasound to view the area and run test.
  • Question:  If you have lung issues, what does your doctor do?  Most likely take an x-ray and run tests.
  • Question: If you have heart issues, what does your doctor do?  Most likely take scan and run tests. 
  • You get the point right?
NOW, if you have depression, anxiety, ADHD/ADD, autism, memory issues, focus issues, hormonal issues, etc... What does your doctor do?  Most likely prescribe a chemical altering drug!!  My 13 year old son and I have been down that road, and I can assure you we never had a scan of the brain, a blood test, or any other service......just given a prescription to try. And then another and another.  Then one to deal with the side effects of the others.   WHY?

DANIEL G. AMEN M.D. has a different way!!
Physician: Child/Adolescent/Adult Psychiatry, Nuclear Brain Imaging
CEO: Amen Clinics, Inc., San Francisco and Newport Beach, CA, Bellevue, WA and Reston, VA

You must check out his bio on
  • Amen Clinics have the world’s largest database of functional brain scans relating to behavior, totaling 80,000 scans on patients from 90 countries.
  • You can benefit from his research to pin point your own inefficiencies and then use God made essential oils to solve the problem, not man-made chemical pharmaceuticals.
Start here:

Information about the Brain:

*The Brain is one of the largest and most complex organs 
*The Brain has more than 100 billion nerves  * The Brian communicate in trillions of connections-synopsis
*The  Brain has different parts: see below

Cortex - outermost layer of brain cells 
* Thinking begins here 
* Voluntary movements begin here
Basal Ganglia - Cluster of structures in Center
* Coordinate messages between multiple brain areas
Cerebellum-at back/base of brain 
* Responsible for coordination and balance function 
Frontal Lobe
*problem solving, judgment, motor
Parietal lobes
*manage sensation, handwriting, and body position 
Temporal lobes
* involved with memory and hearing 
Occipital lobes
*contain visual processing system

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

126 uses for Young Living Everyday Oils

126 Uses for the Young Living Everyday Oils Kit
Click here to see what comes in kit.

The Everyday Oils kit was created by Young Living Essential Oils so that anyone could immediately use
and appreciate the benefits of therapeutic-grade essential oils.

The kit contains four single oils: Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, and Frankincense, along with five oil
blends: Valor, PanAway, Peace & Calming, Purification, and Thieves.

Each of the single oils may be used as dietary supplements. All nine of the oils may be diffused. All nine of
the oils can be applied to the Vita Flex points on the feet, added to bath water, applied topically or used with
body and foot massage.

Diffusing allows the oils to stay suspended in the air to increase negative ions and oxygen, reduce bacteria,
viruses, fungi and mold. It freshens the air naturally, eliminating the need for synthetic, harmful air

* * * * * * * * * *
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia): is the most versatile of all essential oils. It’s often referred to as
“adaptogenic,” which means is adapts to your body’s needs. Therapeutic-grade lavender has been highly
regarded for the skin. Lavender has been clinically evaluated for its relaxing effects. It may be used to
cleanse cuts, bruises and skin irritations. The fragrance is calming, relaxing and balancing—physically and
1. Calming: Rub on feet for calming.
2. Sleeping aid: Rub on your pillow to help you sleep.
3. Insect bites or stings: Put a drop on a bee sting or insect bite to stop itching and reduce swelling.
4. Burns: Put 2-3 drops on a minor burn to decrease pain.
5. Minimize bleeding: Drop Lavender oil on a cut to stop the bleeding.
6. Eczema/Dermatitis: Mix several drops with V-6 vegetable mixing oil and use topically on eczema and
7. Motion sickness: Place a drop on the end of your tongue, around your naval or behind your ears.
8. Nosebleed: Put a drop of oil on a tissue and wrap it around a small chip of ice; push up under the middle
of the top lip to the base of the nose and hold.
9. Unblock tear ducts: Rub a drop over the bridge of the nose to unblock tear ducts.
10. Dry skin: Rub Lavender oil on dry or chapped skin.
11. Chapped lips: Rub a drop of Lavender oil on chapped or sunburned lips.
12. Scar tissue: To minimize the formation of scar tissue, massage on and around the affected area.
13. Deodorant: Rub 2-4 drops over the armpit area to act as a deodorant.
14. Hay fever: Put a drop between your palms and inhale deeply to help alleviate the symptoms of hay fever.
15. Dandruff: Rub several drops of Lavender oil into scalp to help eliminate dandruff. Also put in shampoo.
16. Repel moths: Place a few drops on a cotton ball and place in linen closet to scent the linens and repel
moths and insects.
17. Water fountains: Place a drop of Lavender oil in your water fountain to scent air, kill bacteria and prolong
the time between cleanings.
18. Laundry: Place a few drops on a wet cloth and throw into the dryer.
19. Cold sores: Put a drop of Lavender oil on a cold sore.
20. Allergies: Diffuse Lavender oil to alleviate allergy symptoms. Rub across bridge of nose, acts as natural
21. Sunburn: Spritz several drops of Lavender oil mixed with distilled water on a sunburn to decrease pain.
22. Disinfect wounds: Drop Lavender oil on a cut to clean the wound and kill bacteria.
23. Diaper rash: Apply 2-3 drops to a rash to stop the itching and heal the skin.

* * * * * * * * * *
Lemon (Citrus limon): Research by Jean Valnet, M.D. showed that diffused Lemon oil can kill
meningococcus, typhoid bacilli, Staphylococcus aureus, diptheria and inactivate tuberculosis bacteria.
Lemon also boosted immunity, induced relaxation and reduced depression. Another study found that
diffusing Lemon oil in offices resulted in 54% fewer errors.
Caution: All citrus oils may cause sun sensitivity.
1. Gum remover: Awesome for removing gum from hair, furniture, shoes, etc.
2. Mood enhancer: Diffuse throughout day and inhale from hands when feeling blue.
3. Errors: Diffuse while working to reduce errors.
4. Lemonade: Make your own healthy lemonade. Place 2-3 drops in pitcher with 2 cups pure water and
5. Kitchen: Add 2-3 drops to water and spray kitchen surfaces to sanitize.
6. Fruits and vegetables: Put 2-3 drops in water and drop fruit into water. Will prolong shelf life and sanitize.
7. Tumor regression: Over 50 studies reveal limone’s ability to combat tumor growth. Rub on breasts.
8. Immune stimulant: Put 2 drops in water and drink to stimulate immune system (increases white blood
9. Veins: Improves microcirculations; rub a few drops on legs and feet.
10. Disinfect: Soak washcloths in bowl with 2-3 drops to kill germs and sanitize.

* * * * * * * * * *
Peppermint (Mentha piperita): is one of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for soothing digestion.
Jean Valnet, M.D., studied peppermint’s effect on the liver and respiratory systems. Other scientists have
also researched peppermint’s role in affecting impaired taste and smell when inhaled. Dr. William N. Dember
of the University of Cincinnati studied peppermint’s ability to improve concentration and mental accuracy.
Alan Hirsch, M.D., studied peppermint’s ability to directly affect the brain’s satiety center, which triggers a
sense of fullness after meals.
1. Indigestion: Rub 4-6 drops over stomach and around the navel to relieve indigestion, flatulence and
2. Improve alertness: Place two drops on tongue and inhale.
3. Tea: Add peppermint to herbal tea to aid in digestion and relieve heartburn
4. Heartburn: Add Peppermint to herbal tea to aid in digestion and relieve heartburn.
5. Reduce inflammation: Massage several drops of oil on an injury to reduce inflammation.
6. Pain relief: Apply Peppermint oil immediately to an injured area to relieve pain. If there is a cut, apply the
Peppermint oil around (not on) the open wound.
7. Fever reduction: Rub several drops of oil on the bottoms of the feet to reduce fever.
8. Reduce itching: Apply Peppermint oil topically on unbroken skin to stop itching.
9. Poison ivy or oak: For poison ivy or poison oak, apply Peppermint on location neat or dilute with V-6
mixing oil.
10. Boost energy: Inhale before & during a workout to boost your mood and reduce fatigue.
11. Relieve nausea: Massage several drops on the abdomen to relieve nausea; place two drops on the
tongue and rub another drop under the nose to improve alertness and concentration.
12. Improve memory: Diffuse Peppermint oil in the room studying to improve concentration and accuracy;
Inhale while taking a test to improve recall.
13. Mental accuracy: Breathe in deeply 6-8 times. Will increase mental accuracy by 28%.
14. Restore sense of smell and taste: Breathe deeply often; stimulates the trigeminal nerve.
15. Headache relief: To relieve a headache, rub on the temples, forehead, over the sinuses (stay away from
the eyes) and on the back of the neck.
16. Travel sickness: Rub 4 drops on chest and stomach to relieve travel sickness.
17. Menstrual cramps: Rub on abdomen and lower back.
18. Hiccups: Apply a drop of Peppermint oil on each side of 5th cervical vertebra (up three notches from
base of neck).
19. Energizing: Rub on legs for invigorating sense of energy.
20. Skin: Nourishes dull skin and improves oils skin. Dilute 1 drop in almond oil or other carrier.
21. Brownies: Mix 1-2 drops in batter for yummy chocolate-mint brownies.
22. Hair: Natural astringent; will regulate and normalize oily hair. 2-3 drops in 4 oz of water; spray on scalp;
don’t rinse.
23. Nerve pain: Rub on area of concern.
24. Toothache: Put one drop over toothache area; will relieve pain.
25. Expectorant: Rub on chest as expectorant.
26. Drink as tea: 1 drop equals 28 cups of peppermint tea. Will help tone liver, intestines and nervous
27. Addictions: Place one drop on tongue or in water; stops cravings for cigarettes.
28. Irritable bowel: New research shows Peppermint to be highly effective for IBS.
29. Congestion relief: Place a drop of Peppermint oil on the tongue and inhale into the nose and sinuses to
relieve congestion from a cold.
30. Flavoring: Add Peppermint oil to food as a flavoring and a preservative.
31. Pesty critters: Deter rats, mice, ants or cockroaches, 2 drops on a cotton ball and place along pests’ path
or point of entry.
32. Dispel paint fumes: Mix one 15 ml bottle of Peppermint into 5 gallons of paint to dispel the fumes.
33. Replace coffee: Place a couple of drops in a cup of hot water and enjoy in place of coffee.
34. Kill aphids: Add 4-5 drops to 4 oz of water and spray the plants.
35. Cooling off: Drink a drop mixed in a glass of cold water to cool off on a hot day.
36. Relieve joint pain: Rub Peppermint oil on joints to relieve arthritis or tendonitis pain.
37. Alleviate bad breath: Place a drop of Peppermint oil on the tongue to stop bad breath instead of gum.
38. Appetite suppressant: Inhale the fragrance to curb appetite and lessen the impulse to overeat.
39. Tick removal: Apply a drop of Peppermint oil on a cotton swab. Wait for it to unhedge its head, then
remove from pet.
40. Sore feet: Mix Peppermint oil in a footbath to relieve sore feet.

Frankincense (Boswellia carteri): also known as “olibanum,” or “Oil of Lebanon.” Considered the holy
anointing oil; used in religious ceremonies for thousands of years. Known as “liquid gold” in the time of
1. Stress: Rub on temples or place a drop on tongue and push to roof of mouth to relieve stress and
2. Meditation: Diffuse to increase spiritual awareness and uplift the spirit.
3. Stimulate the brain: Diffuse or inhale directly to stimulate the limbic system of brain (the memory and
emotional center).
4. Immune stimulant: Take as a dietary supplement for immune stimulation.
5. Skincare: Rub on skin to decrease signs of wrinkles. In vitro studies have demonstrated DNA repair
using Frankincense.
6. Skin spots: Rub on skin to lighten age spots and decrease inflammation of acne and boils.
7. Vision: Rub around orbit of the eye for improved vision; is highly oxygenating.
8. Anointing: Anointing oil with Biblical references to protect from illness and disease.

* * * * * * * * * *
Valor: A blend of Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora), Blue Tansy (Tanacetum-annuum), Frankincense
(Boswellia carteri), and Spruce (Picea mariana).
1. Stress: Chiropractor in a bottle! Use to relieve pain and stress.
2. Electrically balancing: Apply 3-4 drops on feet or spine for improved spinal alignment.
3. Physically balancing: Use in Raindrop Technique® for general structural balancing.
4. Calming: Apply topically or diffuse for calming and stress relief.
5. Focus and clarity: Apply topically on temples and back of neck for improved focus and mental clarity.
6. Perfume or cologne: Wear as cologne! It’s perfect for men and women.

* * * * * * * * * *
PanAway: A blend of Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens), which has an active constituent similar to
cortisone; Clove (Syzygium aromaticum), which contains eugenol, used by dentists to numb gums;
Peppermint (Mentha piperita), which is calming for nerves; and Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum), which is
soothing for localized discomfort.
1. Inflammation: Apply PanAway oil topically on an injured area to reduce inflammation and bruising.
2. Muscle aches: Apply PanAway oil topically to sore muscles after exercising.
3. Headache: Rub a drop on the temples, forehead and back of the neck to relieve a headache.
4. Growing pains: Mix with massage oil and massage on location of pain to stop growing pains.
5. Arthritic pain: Rub 1-2 drops of PanAway oil on arthritic hands to lessen pain.
6. Sciatic pain: Rub 2-3 drops at the base of the spine to relieve sciatic pain.
7. Arthritic pets: Dilute PanAway with V-6 vegetable oil and massage on arthritic area or put a drop of
undiluted PanAway in the pet’s food.

* * * * * * * * * *
Peace & Calming: A gentle, fragrant blend of Tangerine (Citrus nobilis), Orange (Citrus sinensis), ylang
ylang (Cananga odorata), Patchouly (Pogostemon cablin) and Blue Tansy (Tanacetum annuum) specially
designed for diffusing. It promotes relaxation and a deep sense of peace, helping to calm tensions and uplift
1. Quality sleep: Rub 1-2 drops of Peace & Calming oil on the bottom of the feet and on the shoulders
before bedtime to get good quality sleep.
2. Overactive children: Diffuse in the room to calm overactive or hard to manage children.
3. Massage: Mix with massage oil for a relaxing massage. Great for humans and animals!
4. Bath: Mix with Bath Gel Base in warm water for a relaxing bath.
5. Teeth grinding: To help stop nocturnal teeth grinding, diffuse while sleeping.

* * * * * * * * * *
Purification: An antiseptic blend of citronella (Cymbopogon nadus), lemongrass (Cymbopogon
flexuosus), rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis), melaleuca (Melaleuca alternifolia), lavandin (Lavandula
hybrida) and myrtle (Myrtus communis) formulated for diffusing to purify and cleanse the air and neutralize
mildew, cigarette smoke and disagreeable odors.
1. Clean air: Diffuse Purification oil to clean the air and neutralize foul or stale odors.
2. Clean enclosed areas: Put several drops of Purification oil on a cotton ball and place in the air vents in
the home, office, hotel room or other enclosed area.
3. Protection: Inhale Purification oil during flights to protect you from pathogens found in the re-circulated
4. Itching: Put a drop of Purification oil on insect bites to cleanse and stop the itching.
5. Blemishes: Apply a drop on blemishes to clear the skin.
6. Sore throat: Rub on the outside of a sore throat when it is first beginning.
7. Blister: Rub a drop of Purification oil on a blister to cleanse and disinfect.
8. Smelly sneakers: Two drops on two cotton balls in the toes of smelly sneakers to combat odors.
9. Humidifier: 1 drop of Purification oil on ends of a cotton swab and place on top of your cold-water
humidifier to clean air.
10. Flu: Dilute Purification oil with V-6 vegetable mixing oil and swab the nasal cavity to ward off the flu.
11. Insects: Spritz several drops of Purification oil mixed with water to repel insects.
12. Animal care: Apply Purification oil and Peppermint oil diluted with V-6 vegetable mixing oil to a cotton
swab and rub just inside the ear to eliminate ear mites in cats and dogs.

* * * * * * * * * *
Thieves: A blend of highly antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-infectious oils; includes: Clove (Syzygium
aromaticum), Lemon (Citrus limon), Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamomum verum), Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus radiata),
and Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). Named after a band of thieves who used essential oils to avoid the
plague while robbing the sick and dying.
1. Disinfectant: Make a spritz to use as a disinfectant.
2. Pain: Dilute and use for teething, mouth and dental pain.
3. Immune: Rub 3 drops directly on bottom of feet to enhance immune function.
4. Mold: Diffuse and use directly for toxic molds.
5. Sore throat: Dilute and use for sore throats, swollen glands and tonsils.
6. Room sanitizer: Diffuse to kill airborne microbes and pathogens. Research shows a 99.96% decrease in
airborne pathogens.
7. Outdoor: Use Thieves oil, natural soap and water to clean outdoor surfaces like concrete, wood or siding
to stop molds.
8. Hand wipes: Make disinfectant hand wipes for home and travel using paper towels, bath gel base, water
and Thieves oil.
9. Natural anti-bacterial: Mix water and few drops of Thieves oil; gargle and swallow for internal digestive
10. Ear: Dilute and apply around ear area (never directly in ear) for infection.
11. Toenail fungus: Use directly on toenail fungus 2-4 times daily until gone.
12. Skin: Dilute and dab on pimples, boils and acne.
13. Warts: Dab on warts, until eliminated.
14. Cleaning: Use Thieves Household Cleaner to eliminate and prevent airborne pathogens from home,
school, indoor and outdoor work environments.
15. Bug remover: Spray on front of car; makes removal of dried, dead bugs a snap.

* * * * * * * * * *
Common “Scents” Precautions: Guidelines for the Safe Use of Young Living Essential Oils
• Therapeutic-grade essential oils are strong and safe when used as directed. Below are some
preventative precautions to help you have an enjoyable experience using Young Living Essential Oils.
• Always test for skin sensitivity and keep a bottle of V-6 vegetable mixing oil, massage oil base or any
pure olive oil handy when using essential oils. Vegetable oils dilute essential oils if they cause discomfort
or skin irritation. Not water.
• Read the complete label before using essential oils. Keep bottles of essential oils tightly closed and store
them in a cool location away from children. If a child swallows an essential oil, administer milk, honey or
another safe, oil-soluble liquid such as soy or rice milk.
• Don’t use essential oils rich in menthol (i.e. Peppermint on the throat or neck area of children under 30
months of age).
• The citrus-based oils of Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Orange and Tangerine as well as oil blends with a
heavy citrus concentration such as White Angelica and Purification should not be used on areas of the
skin that will be exposed to the sun or UV rays within 72 hours. They may cause an increased reaction to
the sun.
• Keep essential oils away from the eyes and out of your ears. Do not handle contact lenses or rub your
eyes with essential oils on your fingers. If the oils should get into your eyes, soothe with a drop of
vegetable oil, not water.
• Oils with high phenol content—Oregano, Helichrysum, Cinnamon, Thyme, Clove, Lemongrass,
Bergamot, Thieves, and ImmuPower—may damage contact lenses and irritate eyes. Wash your hands
thoroughly before handling contact lenses.
• Epileptics and those with high blood pressure should consult their health care professional before using
these essential oils. Avoid Hyssop, Fennel and Idaho Tansy oils.
• Before taking GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe by the FDA) essential oils internally, always dilute
with an oil soluble liquid like rice milk or almond milk.
• Do not add undiluted essential oils directly to bath water. Use Epsom salts, baking soda or bath gel as a
dispersing agent for oils in the bath.
• Pregnant women should consult their health care professional before using essential oils containing
constituents with hormone-like activity, such as Clary Sage, Sage, Idaho Tansy, Juniper and Fennel.
Kristy Ayers, RN, MA
Edited by Lou Gardner